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Maidhc O Casain

A member registered Nov 11, 2019

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Thanks, yotoni! I'd figured it out and thought I posted it for everyone, but it seems I only replied to Watabou. Yes, that was it. As long as you're already in a generator you can turn the zoom down, but it's got to be at 100% when you go to the site at first.

Thanks, watabou. As the reddit post says, this fixed it temporarily but I believe it led me to the true issue. I set my zoom size on most websites down to 75% or so in order to see more of the site on one screen. That causes no issues, until I leave the generator site and then return - that's when the problem occurs. Setting the zoom back to 100%, leaving the site, then returning appears to fix the issue.

I think I've done something to the windows settings, or to some setting that affects all of your generator pages. On every generator I try (Fantasy City, Perilous Shores, etc.) I cannot see the entire result, labels are cut off, the menu button disappears, and other odd effects.  Below is a screenshot of what I mean. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks very much in advance!